Sunday, December 1, 2013

I'm Back (At Least For Now)!

I have the hardest time keeping up with this blog. The truth is that I hate to write (or type in this case--with my lazy self)...I always have, even though I made good grades in school. I am a secret stalker...but don't worry--not like in any weird kind of way, or anything! I love keeping up with other people and reading their blogs. I just can't find the energy or motivation to post anything is absolutely daunting for me to put my thoughts in such a limited space. Plus, I have always been really private--only sharing things with an extremely few (around 3), select people.'s been a very long time since I last posted. So, where to start with the updates? Well, I am still married & still very much in love.
Marriage has it's challenges, but you know what they say about making it through the first year. And, we are at 16 months & counting! I am still battling with the to parent or not to parent decision. The thought still frightens me & excites my husband. I must admit that whenever I look at the posts from other bloggers with their little ones, I feel guilty for having such strong hesitations and anxiety about having kids. Especially when I hear of others who desire so badly to conceive. It just plain boils down to I don't know if it is for me or God's will, but one day I will know b/c either it will happen despite my reservations, or it won't...I know that others would absolutely & positively LOVE (bold, italicize, and CAPITALIZE that) for that to take place. In the meanwhile, PLEASE, check out this page that I've created to help my mother-in-law, as  she (triumphantly--prayerfully) battles cancer (Click the image):