Tuesday, July 24, 2018

I'm Not Done Yet

I'm not done blogging. I'm taking care of my daughter and giving my attention to her care. Please, bear with me. Prayers are always welcomed and solicited! Thanks for your patience!

Monday, July 16, 2018

We Don't Use THAT Word! (Completed)

... that's what we tell the medical team providing treatment and others we (mostly I) come into contact with. But, let's back up for a second and discuss why I (with some trepidation) have decided to share. Well, I am hoping to be helpful to others in some way and to help others dispose of their fears. Afterall, it's not the easiest subject to discuss, but I think it's important to do so... Stay Tuned for the rest of the post (if I don't get cold feet).


If you believe in the power of the mind, you'll fully get where I'm coming from. Our journey began about 3 months ago.  My toddler began complaining of stomach aches. We had been back and forth between her PCP and the emergency room. Several hypotheses were given about the root of the issue, as well as multiple medications for relief. Then, approximately 2 months ago, she began complaining again. And, like many times before, she began doubling over in pain. I called the after hours number for her pediatrician's clinic. The after hours nurses were from the local children's hospital. The nurse, answering the call, encouraged me to bring my daughter in to that local hospital; however, we had recently been there (the previous day) and the X-ray showed nothing remarkable. I explained that I was concerned that the hospital would just do another X-ray and send us back home. The nurse explained that it was my call and advised that if the pain continued or worsened, I should bring my toddler in. I tried to persuade my little one that we would just wait until the next morning (it was already 11:30 pm) and go to her pediatrician. My 3 year-old, adamantly, insisted that we go to the hospital. I thought it over for a minute and figured she just wanted to play on the cool games in the waiting room. When I asked her if this was the reason for her insisting, my 3 year-old stated "no, I think we need to go to the hospital so that they can find out what's wrong with me". I don't know about you, but anytime a 3 year-old is unconcerned about games and can articulate that well, I think it's time to go! So, we did just that, and thank God that we did! For, it was that night (actually early the next morning) that my daughter was given a diagnosis that rocked me to the very core! How does one grieve properly from the loss of both parents (5 months between) and a grandparent (plus, both in-laws within the past 3 years), if, now, another family member is given a similar diagnosis?!! How?! Anyone out there got an answer for this one? I know, solely, by The Grace of God...The Grace of God that sends support your way! How do I still stand?...on Christ, The Solid Rock, is the only way I know to explain it!. So, from the very beginning, I insisted that we do not use THAT word in reference. As a Christian, foremost, and as a therapist, secondly, I know the power of word and belief! So, that's where we currently stand...on our faith and the power of positivity. After all, I know that my daughter, who was involved with me in the final care of her grandparents (also accompanied me to pretty much all of her grandmother's appointments), takes a cue from me to process all of this on her own and to form her own belief about the Next Chapter (like how I did that?...well, that was just God right then and there...ha! My God's good!) of her life! And, I see a beautiful autobiography, full of an outstanding testimony! Shall we hang on for the ride together?

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Inadequate: Updated

I feel inadequate. But, first, let me pause to clarify. I'm not struggling from low self-esteem (been there, done that elementary thru HS... I'm over it). The greys on my head give me permission to not be caught up so much (although I'm not completely cured) in the opinions of others... I'm feeling pretty comfortable in my own skin these days--in terms of character. Neither am I suicidal. And, trust me, as a therapist, who has walked/talked plenty off the ledge and have had those both with unsuccessful and successful attempts, I most definitely do not mean to make light of suicidality. But, now that we've gotten that part out of the way, I feel inadequate... Unfinished Post (To Be Completed Today... stay tuned)


Ok, so here it is in the wee A.M. hour and I sit across the room from my toddler, fast asleep. She's bathed and resting well. I know because I am constantly watching the dance of her chest rising. You'd think that would be enough to satisfy me. But, my thoughts that I need to finish this entry are interrupted by thoughts that I should be lying beside her. She is quite clingy lately, as she should be. She needs her momma! Don't all little ones? Ahhh, but my toddler's circumstances are just a little different than most (like how I leave you with a cliff hanger?). As much as I try to be, and as much daily practice as I get, I haven't mastered the art of juggling...juggling my own personal post-grief resiliency, career/work, wifehood (if Beyonce' can invent "bootilicious," I don't see why I can't invent a word too--so, as I was saying--wifehood--next to be in Websters' Dictionary), and motherhood. My sense of inadequacy haunts me daily, as I'm delivering my daughter's daily meds. Inadequacy says I should, instead, be spending the time interacting with her. Afterall, she has already told me that I am always doing something (Ugh! Tear up my heart in a billion pieces and scatter them in the wind).  I know, I know...what's the big deal right? All parents have to make a sacrifice to take care of their kids, right? But, in my world/my life, where I have experienced grief left and right (and, I only shared with you the losses related to a similar disease. But, sprinkle in loss by other methods, and you'd ask me why am I not in a mental hospital. I know b/c I wonder the same), the frailty (?) of life is the real deal...not something on one of those Carpe Diem or YOLO commercials.You see, I've seen a parent completely strong and self-sufficient until, maybe a month before the loss. So, I realize that the expectation of tomorrow is an illusion. Now, don't get me wrong, I look forward to an eternal glory. But, honestly, I'm not out looking for it! But, I digress. What is my point here (No, really, what is it...focus, Camille)? You know, I see other moms (I know--comparison and all its evils...but, do you want me to be honest here?) and wonder how they manage to hold it all together. Well, I'll tell you what you won't find here:

  • A house that is spotless, or even tidy on some days (did I mention I have a 3 year-old?)
  • A child that is bathed every single day--some days we compensate with wipe downs/sponge baths...if she doesn't fall asleep first (am I alone? I'm sure no other mom does this.)
  • A well-rested, refreshed mother...my days are filled with working 8 hrs--often followed by at least 2 additional hrs (which I am very much grateful for), trying to fit in time in-between to run errands/pay bills, cook find a drive thru/take-out meal, cleaning (whatever I can manage to clean--be it laundry, the house, or a behind...sorry, but honesty), stealing 15 minutes of alone/me time (more of an aspiration than a reality), etc. But, I DO know how good I have it, so I try to maintain an attitude of gratitude as best I can.
  • A lack of guilt--guilt for not checking on friends and family that run through my mind.
  • A completed checklist--I used to have checklists and alarms on my phone (actually still have the phone alarms) to remind me to check other lists or reminders. But, then, I decided to stop this madness...let you know how that turns out. Lol.
So, I think that's a good list to begin with. What about you out there? Can you help a sista out and share, so I don't feel so alone in the struggle? Thank you all for checking out my blog. If you're new, be sure to check out the other posts. Also, I have more planned in the near future (God-willing), so you may want to keep checking to see where I'm going with all this. The love you are giving to me by supporting me, I give back to you in gratitude...a big, fat thanks!!

Oh yeah...what would make this blog better, or what would make you interested in following (i.e., more pictures, a certain type of content, etc.)? 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Full Circle?

You know, I find it interesting that I am in the place that I am in my life--with trying to figure out what I want to do. It's ironic because, as I browse through my earliest posts (See Cafe Camille tab/page--Entrepreneurship Endeavor Section: https://camillesavoncafe.blogspot.com/), I realize that I have been here before. What's even more ironic is that I began blogging in pursuit and to journal that endeavor. Coincidence? I think not! Rather, I think God has a calling for me and has been waiting patiently for me to step into it. Now, I'm not saying that I'm mature enough yet. I am still just as confused (ok, maybe not AS confused) as I was at the beginning. But, when you keep returning to the same place, there's got to be something to it, right? I think you would be floored if I shared the amount of grief I've experienced over the last 4 and, even, in just the last 2 years (Not sure how this relates to the current topic, but I write like I think so hold on!). Satan is busy, y'all! I need someone to tell him to get up off of me! I so often hear people say to me "You're so strong!". But, uhm, no! As I always reply, God is stronger in me than I appear to others! True story! I've recently been blessed with so much warmth and support that my cup runneth open! I feel so undeserving and am speechless to think that God is still interested in me or compassionate about me...I'm SO unworthy! I'm not always obedient, and I'm learning that there are tainted parts of me that I never realized existed...I lie ashamed before God! But, STILL, He loves me! I can't explain why, or how, I love a man that allows such personal pain. But, I know He's no ordinary man! Truth is, He was my first love! I somehow knew Him before I knew the alphabets...crazy, right? I know. But, I diverge. So, what's that Bible verse that says the present troubles are nothing compared to The Glory revealed to us (I Googled it---Romans 8:18 & 2 Corinthians 4:17--I think I like the latter better)? Well, strangely, I believe all that mumbo-jumbo (no disrespect) stuff. So, I've experienced the lost of both in-laws, a close cousin, my mother, her mother (while she was going thru her own fight), and my father--all to the same disease--and all over the last 4 years, with my parents and grandmother being just under 2 years ago. Ludacris, right? I mean, I couldn't write a better thriller novel, if I even cared for writing. Well, I think I'll stop there and leave more to write/share on future blogs. Any questions/constructive criticism welcomed!

To Blog, Or Not To Blog?!

I'm still a bit nervous, as I tend to be a private individual and am not always excited to be vulnerable to criticism (constructive critiquing[?] I can handle, and welcome). But, anyways, what good is a life always on the safe side? You can't tread water on the side of the pool, right? Time to dive in!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Updates, Updates, Get Your Updates Here!

Updates: If you read my last post, you know that I haven't posted in a while... to the tune of about 5 years. As you can imagine, there are a lot of updates to give. So, let's jump right into it.

I have been natural or, actually, I should say transitioning (you want to be sure to get this right, or run the risk of being met with torches) off and on forever. But, currently, I am sporting a big chop (you'll understand the motivation behind that a little later--It's the top pic) and am fully natural (ahhh, how nice to sport that title--natural--without any backlash!).


Marital Status: (See earlier posts: https://camille-thenextchapter.blogspot.com/2012/05/at-last.html and https://camille-thenextchapter.blogspot.com/2012/10/ok-so-here-are-my-hubby-i.html )
My husband, Michael, who you met in my earlier blogs, and I are still married--6 years as of 07/09/18...more to come on this subject in future blogs.

Baby On The Way?:
Well, she's no longer on the way; instead, she is a vibrant, amazing little 3 year old (at least that's what her birth certificate says, but I'm tempted to say that she has the intellect of one way older--I know I'm biased, but we get that comment from others a lot too)! She is amazing, despite some challenges--once I'm brave enough to discuss, I'll share. Although that is part of my drive to pick up the blog again.

Career?: ??? (Left blank intentionally....updates to follow)
I have too much to share in this comeback/introductory blog. But, in due time (hopefully, in the near future), these things will be revealed/shared. I'd love to answer some specific questions that any of you might have, if you are interested (or if anyone's even out there anymore....sure I've lost my modest audience-but, here's hoping!). Also, I plan to post pictures, as soon as I get a chance...hopefully, next post...and, hopefully within the next couple of days. So, be sure to tune! And, if you're new, be sure to check out my other posts to get caught up.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

I'm Back?

So, I've been contemplating a return (sounds like some amazing comeback or something, right?). But, maybe, I shouldn't hype it up. Who knows if anyone even notices, misses me, or even cares. Well, we shall see. I have a lot of updates, if anyone's interested.