Monday, November 19, 2012

Ok, so there are two new things that are going on with me at the current time: (1) I have gone natural and (2) I have finally decided how I will spend the holidays.

(1) I am new to the natural journey (for all, who are unfamiliar with what I mean by going natural, check out this link[ ]). My journey began approximately 3 months least I believe that was the last perm I had---OK, so I don't remember the actual day/month...been busy with marriage, so what'dya expect? Anyways, I transitioned/am transitioning from relaxed hair not by choice but more so by financial necessity...things got tough for a while there, and I was trying to save where ever I could. But, I'm glad that I was inadvertently pointed in that direction...I am tired of fighting with my hair. Why can't I enjoy what God gave me from birth? I say that it's at least worth the effort...can't be anymore frustrating than trying to maintain relaxed, here goes!

(2) I finally decided how I will spend the holidays...more specifically, I decided with which parent to spend my Thanksgiving (& Christmas, since I am now married). On a side note, parents, please do not place undue stress on your children to pick between you on holidays, if you one day separate.  And future parents, please be careful in picking your potential parenting mate, so as to decrease the chance of the previously-mentioned stress. Now, in my case, my parents are both great parents and they get along...they have never consciously or purposely (or allow me to feel such way, if they knew that I was experiencing stress over this) placed me in such an uncomfortable position.I have pretty much always spent the holidays with my mom, which has caused my family on my dad side to feel slighted. The last couple of years have taught me a lot, with the loss of two maternal aunts, a paternal uncle, and one of those aunts' daughters (just a few weeks ago). Since I am now married and live long distance, I can't just spend time with my original family, whenever I want...I now have my new family to consider (in-laws, step kids, etc.)...naturally, I have anxiety about the possibility of a last opportunity with my parents (having clients with this issue has not helped). Well, I decided to leave early Thanksgiving morning to spend some time (probably most of the day) with my dad's side, since it's on the way to my mom's. Then, we'll (my husband and stepdaughter) will travel further south to mom's & spend the night before, that's that...I suppose. I pray all goes well and that my husband and stepdaughter aren't too matter what, I am truly grateful for the opportunity to see and spend time with my family   once more!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Got To "Hand" It To MY God!

Good news! My stepson went for his 1st follow-up appointment for his fingers Thursday. Doctor says they seem to be doing well (they have pink color in them--indicating good blood flow), except one's growing he had surgery Friday morning to straighten it! To MY God be the glory! Here we were, just a little over a week ago, helping this 7 year-old cope with losing one finger, while being told by 3 doctors that they needed to amputate two others. But, we immediately began consulting OUR doctor--Doctor Jesus--and were given an immediate reward for our faith, which involved the hand surgeon rethinking his decision by giving the other two fingers a chance (I don't believe in luck/chance, but these are the world's words)...he said that he would sew the other two fingers up and observe over the next couple of weeks to see if the fingers took or turned black (indicating they weren't getting blood circulation and would be dead and need amputation). But, hallelujah!...God heard our prayers and granted that little boy (whose faith and understanding of God is growing more everyday) the ability to keep his other two seems God agreed with us that that little boy had undergone enough trauma already! Thank you, God!!!!!! I am in love with MY God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


My stepson lost one of his fingers Sunday, when the cover to a sewage hole fell on his hand. Initially, his doctor said he'd have to loose two other fingers that had also been damaged, but after our prayers & after his doctor consulting with the head doctor, he agreed to try to save the others. He (my stepson) had surgery late Sunday night thru early Monday morning. So far, his fingers are showing good improvement. Now, we are trusting in The Lord, but I am requesting prayers in agreement, as we wait over the next couple of weeks to see if his fingers will make it. Because he's already endured enough trauma for one person...let alone a 7 year-old little boy. Yet, he was impressed me & I was so VERY proud of him b/c he remained brave throughout the whole process. I couldn't imagine losing a finger as an adult, nonetheless, as a child....The poor little guy!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I'm not sure what to blog about today. My hubby seems to think that I should be a little bit more personal in my blogs, but I'm not sure what is appropriate, what might interest others, or how much is too much info. Oh well, I guess I could start off by saying that I have been really frustrated (but grateful) about where I am in many aspects of my life right now. I know that I am now with "The Man," who makes me feel secure and even open to the idea of kids. So, I suppose that is around the corner at some point (?)...scary, right? I watch this man with his existing kids (my new stepkids) and am taken aback by what a wonderful dad he is. Also, I feel a little disillusioned by the current career, which I devoted over a decade towards (a Ph.D. in psychology)...there are many aspects that would have been helpful to know before the debt...nevertheless, I know that I will gain some clarity in time. Meanwhile, I'd love to explore the other dreams/plans that I had for my life. I am wondering how professional mothers balance children and a career, while maintaining their own identities...I think that is one of the greatest parts about having children that makes me many things to work little time--it seems anyways. I know that I'm all over the place, but this is my usual style of sharing...I type as my thoughts come to me. Any words of advice on any of the above...any reassurance about being able to maintain your own identity, once you become a mother? On another note, I forgot to post another picture of my husband. So, here they are:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ok, so here are my hubby & I ( ) heard right...I am married to the guy I spoke about in an earlier post. We were introduced by, approved for one another by, and united through Christ. I am still in love with this man today, just as I was from the beginning! He definitely enriches my life and makes my word colorful. Now that "At Last" I have someone so very special & who is so good to me, I just keep asking myself whatever made me hold on to that mess-of-a-mistake-of-a-relationship that I was in for so long before this beautiful marriage.? Who knows! Wow, if I only knew then what I was missing out on...if I only understood that the difficulty of letting go of the familiar & dealing with the pain of loneliness would be short lived & would lead to something this fabulous, it would have made it easier for me to move on. All I can say now is thank You, God, for reserving something so great--beyond my wildest/greatest dreams! God, I know that You love me b/c you gave me one of your best to spend the rest of my life! Someone pinch me, already! lol

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Solid As A Rock (Lol)

Ok, so I'm sure that I've probably lost a lot (I know I'm delusional, but I like to imagine that had a large following) of followers, due to my lag in posting; however, I have had nothing but difficulty with getting set up with the new Internet Explorer 9, in order to resume blogging. I'm still not set-up...I'm just borrowing someone else's computer at the moment (you'd think that doing this would've occurred to me a long time ago, but, no, all book sense & no common sense). I was initially so resistant to upgrading my browser. Yet my fans (1 friend, to be exact) began pleading to me to post something new, as I just kind of left everyone hanging since the last update on my love life. Well, I finally caved-in and decided to upgrade my laptop. When I attempted to download IE 9, not only did it fail, but I was also unable to even open a browser (the litte blue internet "e" icon)....and, I have been without internet every since...approximately a month, I believe. You'd think that would put me in panic mode and that I wouldn't know what to do with myself, but the time spent with my new Beau has more than made up for this relative minor frustration (you know, everything seems so much nicer when you're in love).

Now as for the new man:

We are still going strong. He's wonderful...brilliant, has wisdom (not being redundant here b/c true wisdom is distinct from this world's standard of intelligence & comes solely from a strong relationship with God), patient, and compassionate. Some would say that he's the yang to my ying, but since I'm a Christian & such talk is contrary to God, I'll just say that he compliments me ever so well! Although similar to me in many regards, in other regards, he's total opposite. Whereas I tend to be Type A & keep my own neuroticism at bay by planning & lists, he is a let's savor each moment and take each day one by one kind of guy...this of course makes me laugh, since I've always claimed to be a Matthew 6:25 girl. Yet, being in his presence, his relaxed demeanor calms & comforts me and allows me to see that I've got some more relaxing to learn how to do before I can continue to assert that I live by Matthew 6:25; however, he's not perfect. & I love this fact b/c it allows me to be me & to not feel guilty about my shortcomings...instead, he inspires me just that more to improve (& this has always been a daily personal goal of mine). But, let's not get it twisted (lol). I bring some good stuff to the table as well, and he seems to recognize that...he even verbalizes this endlessly. He seems to really value me in a way I've never experienced before. I believe love is more than a word, & now, I believe (Than you, Heavenly Father), I finally know what it feels like! I could blog a whole lot more, but I think that this is a good stopping place for now...please be patient with me on the long pauses between posts, as I work out my browser issues & stay tune.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

At Last...

At Last...My Love Has Come Along...My lonely days are over. And life is like a song!

Yes, that's right...I have a new & special person in my life. Thus far, we are wonderful together. I had a conversation with God, prior to meeting him & I asked that the next man in my life be my husband. I explained to God that I had no desire to date & to go back-and-forth on the emotional roller coaster...I finally got off of the last one & was just too exhausted to revisit that! Did I mention how we met?

Ok, so we met in my favorite store. We were both one of four people in line at the register. I was speaking to an individual behind me, but I overheard the conversation between him and the guy in front of him. He was witnessing (as a Christian) to the other guy & mentioned that he was relatively new in his own salvation. At the conclusion of their conversation, I congratulated him on his salvation. He, very excitedly, flashed his pearly whites with an emphatic "thanks!". He paid for his item, told the cashier to keep the change to pay for my purchase, and left out of the store. I thought that was it, but he actually waited outside. Long story short...he and I had a long conversation about God & Christianity--a subject we are both passionate about--in the front of the store. & We've been inseparable every since. I value our time together and look forward to our future (seems premature, right?, but I'm convinced that God sent him specifically for me).

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not Abandoned...Just Super Busy! But Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Technical Difficulties

I am still trying to get my new blog set up..Please bear with me.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The New Me!!!!

I already feel refreshed! I'm not sure whether this new blog will take off or be a flop, but I can do no harm by being honest. I feel very unsettled, currently. I have uprooted, my professional life remains at a stand-still, and I am single and searching (well, actually, trying to wait...please, God, soon?). I am learning new things about myself and the people in my life everyday. Although I can't foresee the future, I anticipate great things. I refuse to believe that my best years are behind me...30's are the new 20's, and especially for me, since I wasted (ok, God--I spent) my entire 20s, caught up in a one-sided relationship. But, enough about the past. I'd like to keep it just the past. I'm looking forward and concentrating on discharging my own baggage and growing so that I can enhance my new, one-and-only, love-of-my life,, he will be one privileged man, & if I know my God, I will be thoroughly pleased! Thanks in advance, Father, for you know me well!