Saturday, September 8, 2018

God is worthy to be Praised !!!

So, good news!... the surgery went well! We sat down with the surgeon the day before and he explained at the time (&,  afterwards) that it would be a long, difficult procedure. I went in hoping and praying for the best! God made it easier on me by allowing my little one to be in a good mood during prep, up until they wheeled her back.  Any parent would struggle with seeing their child going into a risky (tumor was near the aorta and intertwined with vessels to the kidney) surgery in distress. But, I'm so grateful that The Peace of The Lord kept me throughout the surgery. We were also backed by a lot of people, who accompanied me in the waiting room and prayed behind the scenes! It was amazing to see and imagine how God was using this to touch so many lives--and how I believe He wants to continue to use us and our circumstances/story to touch many more!  And, God saw it fit to return my little heart to me, practically, unscathed! And the best part is that thru God, they were able to remove 98% of the tumor!!! Ain't Good great & worthy to be praised?!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

And The Story Continues (Hopeful Expectations)

I feel exhausted. I'm very much grateful though! I'm exhausted from the discrepancy between my expectations and the reality. I'm exhausted from wrapping up one day and the mental somersaults in my head of the gravity of responsibilities I have been entrusted with for the next day. I'm, in no way expressing a lack of gratitude or demonstrating a cloudiness of vision related to how good we have it. But, sometimes (every now and again), I have to keep it real so that others don't have to suffer from their lack of alignment with unrealistic expectations. Well, now that my pity party is complete, I would like to share that we had scans during this past Wednesday; further scans are scheduled on the 5th. And, be God's Will, surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible is expected the next day. But, I am still waiting to hear back officially regarding Wednesday's results.