Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I'm not sure what to blog about today. My hubby seems to think that I should be a little bit more personal in my blogs, but I'm not sure what is appropriate, what might interest others, or how much is too much info. Oh well, I guess I could start off by saying that I have been really frustrated (but grateful) about where I am in many aspects of my life right now. I know that I am now with "The Man," who makes me feel secure and even open to the idea of kids. So, I suppose that is around the corner at some point (?)...scary, right? I watch this man with his existing kids (my new stepkids) and am taken aback by what a wonderful dad he is. Also, I feel a little disillusioned by the current career, which I devoted over a decade towards (a Ph.D. in psychology)...there are many aspects that would have been helpful to know before the debt...nevertheless, I know that I will gain some clarity in time. Meanwhile, I'd love to explore the other dreams/plans that I had for my life. I am wondering how professional mothers balance children and a career, while maintaining their own identities...I think that is one of the greatest parts about having children that makes me many things to work little time--it seems anyways. I know that I'm all over the place, but this is my usual style of sharing...I type as my thoughts come to me. Any words of advice on any of the above...any reassurance about being able to maintain your own identity, once you become a mother? On another note, I forgot to post another picture of my husband. So, here they are:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ok, so here are my hubby & I ( ) heard right...I am married to the guy I spoke about in an earlier post. We were introduced by, approved for one another by, and united through Christ. I am still in love with this man today, just as I was from the beginning! He definitely enriches my life and makes my word colorful. Now that "At Last" I have someone so very special & who is so good to me, I just keep asking myself whatever made me hold on to that mess-of-a-mistake-of-a-relationship that I was in for so long before this beautiful marriage.? Who knows! Wow, if I only knew then what I was missing out on...if I only understood that the difficulty of letting go of the familiar & dealing with the pain of loneliness would be short lived & would lead to something this fabulous, it would have made it easier for me to move on. All I can say now is thank You, God, for reserving something so great--beyond my wildest/greatest dreams! God, I know that You love me b/c you gave me one of your best to spend the rest of my life! Someone pinch me, already! lol