Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Abandoned/Neglected Blog?

I have plenty to blog about, but for some reason, I am having an emotional block.  All is well at the present. Devoting lots of love and attention to my little one. But, don't count me out just yet. I'm still good for a post or two. Just got to summon up enough physical and emotional energy. Chat with you soon!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

We've Come This Far By Faith!

I forgot to mention that last Wednesday was my baby's birthday! And, what a blessing it was to be able to celebrate that day, especially given the circumstances! We were equally blessed to have many friends and family commemorating that day, right alongside us! It's amazing that it went so well, considering I wasn't sure we'd be able to have the celebration due to the plans for my daughter's treatment being up in the air. But, I knew I had to make it happen somehow. My daughter has been asking about her birthday and for a party since last year, when she had a co-party/celebration with a cousin. Prior to then, it had just been an intimate gathering at my mom's. But, since my mom is no longer with us, that wasn't an option any longer. And, since she's going thru so much now, every birthday we reach is just that much important! I wanted her to be surrounded by love and a reminder, at her toughest moments, that she's not alone and has a great deal of people supporting her... I'm SO thankful that, by God, we were able to accomplish that goal! I look forward to the next birthday and the countless ones beyond this always, to God be the glory!!!!!!!

The Latest

So, I feel badly for taking so long to update you. I don't think it's fair to ask for your prayers and not let you know what has happened since (with my little one). Well, we're doing chemo again. They think they can shrink it to get more of the tumor. I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to get back to you, except that these things are difficult to discuss. Also, I've been trying to work on being more present with my daughter. I feel that all the responsibilities of being an adult rob us of the opportunity to enjoy life and be present in the moment. I'll never forget how one of my parents expressed regret when learning that they would likely soon lose their life. I remember them saying that they would do some things differently... I don't want to leave this life with major regrets. I want to savor as much as I can! I want to enjoy my little one, rather than spending my life trying to provide for her...or, spending it planning for some date in the future to actually begin living and obtaining those irreplaceable memories. Each day, I'm working towards these goals and am getting rather impatient each day I haven't fully figured out how to make it happen. Instead of my maternal biological clock, now, I'm hearing father time saying "tomorrow/one day is toda!". So, about face!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Where Things Stand

Where Things Stand

We met with the doctor Monday. He says the tumor (I have no time to be illusive or to hint around about the illness right now, so I'm just going to say it this time) has significantly shrunken. The oncologists and surgeons were supposed to meet Wednesday to determine if any/all can be safely removed by surgery. I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor... prayers appreciated!