Wednesday, August 15, 2018

We've Come This Far By Faith!

I forgot to mention that last Wednesday was my baby's birthday! And, what a blessing it was to be able to celebrate that day, especially given the circumstances! We were equally blessed to have many friends and family commemorating that day, right alongside us! It's amazing that it went so well, considering I wasn't sure we'd be able to have the celebration due to the plans for my daughter's treatment being up in the air. But, I knew I had to make it happen somehow. My daughter has been asking about her birthday and for a party since last year, when she had a co-party/celebration with a cousin. Prior to then, it had just been an intimate gathering at my mom's. But, since my mom is no longer with us, that wasn't an option any longer. And, since she's going thru so much now, every birthday we reach is just that much important! I wanted her to be surrounded by love and a reminder, at her toughest moments, that she's not alone and has a great deal of people supporting her... I'm SO thankful that, by God, we were able to accomplish that goal! I look forward to the next birthday and the countless ones beyond this always, to God be the glory!!!!!!!

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