Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Got To "Hand" It To MY God!

Good news! My stepson went for his 1st follow-up appointment for his fingers Thursday. Doctor says they seem to be doing well (they have pink color in them--indicating good blood flow), except one's growing crooked...so he had surgery Friday morning to straighten it! To MY God be the glory! Here we were, just a little over a week ago, helping this 7 year-old cope with losing one finger, while being told by 3 doctors that they needed to amputate two others. But, we immediately began consulting OUR doctor--Doctor Jesus--and were given an immediate reward for our faith, which involved the hand surgeon rethinking his decision by giving the other two fingers a chance (I don't believe in luck/chance, but these are the world's words)...he said that he would sew the other two fingers up and observe over the next couple of weeks to see if the fingers took or turned black (indicating they weren't getting blood circulation and would be dead and need amputation). But, hallelujah!...God heard our prayers and granted that little boy (whose faith and understanding of God is growing more everyday) the ability to keep his other two fingers...it seems God agreed with us that that little boy had undergone enough trauma already! Thank you, God!!!!!! I am in love with MY God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. children have a remarkable ability to heal. thank God for his mercies in your stepsons life!
