Monday, July 16, 2018

We Don't Use THAT Word! (Completed)

... that's what we tell the medical team providing treatment and others we (mostly I) come into contact with. But, let's back up for a second and discuss why I (with some trepidation) have decided to share. Well, I am hoping to be helpful to others in some way and to help others dispose of their fears. Afterall, it's not the easiest subject to discuss, but I think it's important to do so... Stay Tuned for the rest of the post (if I don't get cold feet).


If you believe in the power of the mind, you'll fully get where I'm coming from. Our journey began about 3 months ago.  My toddler began complaining of stomach aches. We had been back and forth between her PCP and the emergency room. Several hypotheses were given about the root of the issue, as well as multiple medications for relief. Then, approximately 2 months ago, she began complaining again. And, like many times before, she began doubling over in pain. I called the after hours number for her pediatrician's clinic. The after hours nurses were from the local children's hospital. The nurse, answering the call, encouraged me to bring my daughter in to that local hospital; however, we had recently been there (the previous day) and the X-ray showed nothing remarkable. I explained that I was concerned that the hospital would just do another X-ray and send us back home. The nurse explained that it was my call and advised that if the pain continued or worsened, I should bring my toddler in. I tried to persuade my little one that we would just wait until the next morning (it was already 11:30 pm) and go to her pediatrician. My 3 year-old, adamantly, insisted that we go to the hospital. I thought it over for a minute and figured she just wanted to play on the cool games in the waiting room. When I asked her if this was the reason for her insisting, my 3 year-old stated "no, I think we need to go to the hospital so that they can find out what's wrong with me". I don't know about you, but anytime a 3 year-old is unconcerned about games and can articulate that well, I think it's time to go! So, we did just that, and thank God that we did! For, it was that night (actually early the next morning) that my daughter was given a diagnosis that rocked me to the very core! How does one grieve properly from the loss of both parents (5 months between) and a grandparent (plus, both in-laws within the past 3 years), if, now, another family member is given a similar diagnosis?!! How?! Anyone out there got an answer for this one? I know, solely, by The Grace of God...The Grace of God that sends support your way! How do I still stand?...on Christ, The Solid Rock, is the only way I know to explain it!. So, from the very beginning, I insisted that we do not use THAT word in reference. As a Christian, foremost, and as a therapist, secondly, I know the power of word and belief! So, that's where we currently stand...on our faith and the power of positivity. After all, I know that my daughter, who was involved with me in the final care of her grandparents (also accompanied me to pretty much all of her grandmother's appointments), takes a cue from me to process all of this on her own and to form her own belief about the Next Chapter (like how I did that?...well, that was just God right then and there...ha! My God's good!) of her life! And, I see a beautiful autobiography, full of an outstanding testimony! Shall we hang on for the ride together?


  1. You are a tease. Hehe jk. You are a great writer!

    1. Thanks! I will post again soon... life has just temporarily gotten in the way.

  2. Praying for you and baby girl! I can't even imagine how tough things are right now but you have a strong faith and He will see you through.
