Thursday, July 12, 2018

Updates, Updates, Get Your Updates Here!

Updates: If you read my last post, you know that I haven't posted in a while... to the tune of about 5 years. As you can imagine, there are a lot of updates to give. So, let's jump right into it.

I have been natural or, actually, I should say transitioning (you want to be sure to get this right, or run the risk of being met with torches) off and on forever. But, currently, I am sporting a big chop (you'll understand the motivation behind that a little later--It's the top pic) and am fully natural (ahhh, how nice to sport that title--natural--without any backlash!).


Marital Status: (See earlier posts: and )
My husband, Michael, who you met in my earlier blogs, and I are still married--6 years as of 07/09/18...more to come on this subject in future blogs.

Baby On The Way?:
Well, she's no longer on the way; instead, she is a vibrant, amazing little 3 year old (at least that's what her birth certificate says, but I'm tempted to say that she has the intellect of one way older--I know I'm biased, but we get that comment from others a lot too)! She is amazing, despite some challenges--once I'm brave enough to discuss, I'll share. Although that is part of my drive to pick up the blog again.

Career?: ??? (Left blank intentionally....updates to follow)
I have too much to share in this comeback/introductory blog. But, in due time (hopefully, in the near future), these things will be revealed/shared. I'd love to answer some specific questions that any of you might have, if you are interested (or if anyone's even out there anymore....sure I've lost my modest audience-but, here's hoping!). Also, I plan to post pictures, as soon as I get a chance...hopefully, next post...and, hopefully within the next couple of days. So, be sure to tune! And, if you're new, be sure to check out my other posts to get caught up.


  1. Welcome back! It was nice to read your updates! You'll love being natural, best decision I ever made for my hair!

    And your daughter is beautiful, congrats!!

    Looking forward to following along so hope that you continue to update :)

    1. A little rusty at this blogging thing.Instead of replying directly, I replied separately. Please, see below for an expression of my gratitude for tuning in!

  2. Aww, thanks, Faith! It was reassuring to sign on and see your comment!

  3. Love to read your blog and to feel closer to you through it. Miss ya.

    1. Wow! I wish I knew who you were. I am fueled by the positive comments to keep going... thanks bunches!

  4. I think this is amazing, did not know about the blog

    1. Yeah, I've picked it up and put it down a few times before. I don't love writing, but I need an outlet... perhaps more so now (as there is so much going on in our lives right now) than before.

  5. Yes spoke to Auntie today do glad she's better, looking forward to the next blog. Love you cuz
